Network of networks - Types of Violence - Morocco

Sexual Violence against Women in Morocco - launch of the report by MRA

05.05.2021 / Created by MRAM
Sexual Violence against Women in Morocco - launch of the report by MRA

MRA organises a webinar, in Arabic, to present the launch of its action research report entitled "Sexual Violence against Women in Morocco"


Tuesday 11 May, 2-4pm CET (12-2pm Morocco time)



Aicha Sakmassi,  Association Voix De Femmes Marocaines, Agadir 

Saida Kouzzi (Mobilising for Rights Associates- MRA) 

Amina byouz (Association Anaouat in Chichaoua )

Essaiydy fouzia (Fédération des Ligues des Droits des Femmes Ouarzazate )

To register for the event, click here. 

You can relive the webinar here (available in Arabic). 


  • Event type : Scientific meeting
  • Location : online
  • Start date : 11/05/2021
  • End date : 11/05/2021
  • Start time : 14:00


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