Research - Civil and political rights - Morocco

Conference by Soraya al-Kahlaoui on women's land rights in Morocco

19.04.2021 / Created by (EMWF)
Conference by Soraya al-Kahlaoui on women's land rights in Morocco

On April 23, 2021 (10h - 12h CET), Soraya al-Kahlaoui will be giving a talk entitled "Droits à la terre des femmes au Maroc, entre colonialité et état néolibéral". 

Al-Kahlaoui holds a PhD in sociology. Her research interests revolve around the resistance of populations situated on the margins of the neoliberal urbanisation process in Morocco. She focuses on analysing the practices of space conquest and resistance carried out by inhabitants fighting for the right to housing. 

This event is part of the cycle of seminars "Women, Islam, Rights: Debates and news challenges between religion and politics", organised by professors Sara Borrillo and Gennaro Gervasio (from Università degli studi Roma Tre). 

For more information on the cycle, and to access the link of the talk, click here


  • Event type : Conference / Debate / Forum
  • Location : online
  • Start date : 23/04/2021
  • End date : 23/04/2021
  • Start time : 10:00


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