Documentary centre - Economy / Employment - - Euro-Mediterranean region

International Women's Day: highlighting the role of women in Euro-Mediterranean cooperation

04.03.2021 / Created by (EMWF)

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day celebrated worldwide on the 8th of March 2021, the ENI CBC Med Programme is launching a communication campaign to highlight the remarkable contribution of women to Euro-Mediterranean relations. 

The campaign, under the title “Women, leaders of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation”, will be carried out through the dissemination on the Programme website and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) of a series of digital “postcards” depicting how women from across the Mediterranean are essential players of cooperation processes at institutional, project and people-to-people level. The postcards will feature women representatives of the countries participating in the ENI CBC Med Programme, management staff of funded projects and women who are being supported by the Programme to develop start-ups or a business activity, gain professional skills or develop new services and products. 

Save the date - Special webinar “Women entrepreneurs: an essential factor to achieve real gender equality in the Mediterranean” On the 8th of March (11.00 -13.00 CET), the ENI CBC Med Programme will hold a 100% female-led webinar on the topic of “Women entrepreneurs: an essential factor to achieve real gender equality in the Mediterranean”. The event aims at discussing the cultural, financial, regulatory barriers that still exist for women to fully express their potential in the business sector and how these barriers can effectively be removed to boost women’s entrepreneurship, increase their opportunities in responsibility positions and facilitate access to credit.

Discussions will feature expert speakers from both sides of the Mediterranean - including among others Ms Jihen Boutiba Mrad General Secretary of Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises; Ms Iman Bibars, Vice President of Ashoka, the largest global network of social entrepreneurs; Anna Dorangricchia, senior expert in social and civil affairs at the Union for the Mediterraean - and will showcase the stories of aspiring entrepreneurs who are currently developing or enhancing their businesses through the support projects funded by the ENI CBC Med Programme. 


  • Event type : Conference / Debate / Forum
  • Location : Online
  • Start date : 08/03/2021
  • End date : 08/03/2021
  • Start time : 11:00


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