The Foundation - Culture / Sports / Leasure - Spain

Our art exhibition moves to Tarragona Province!

30.10.2019 / Created by (EMWF)
Our art exhibition moves to Tarragona Province!

Following its inauguration and exhibition at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans - IEC (Institute for Catalan Studies), our illustration collection titled "Drawing 4 Equality: Challenging gender roles on both sides of the Mediterranean" will move on to Tarragona Province, precisely to Mestra Maria Antònia Library in Torredembarra who will host the exhibition between 4 and 30 November.

The Library will also organize three guided visits for members of its various Reading Clubs (guided by our team member Nour Salameh the following days: 8th November at 18h / 15th November at 18h / 25th November at 18.30h) to explore and discuss the differentiated perceptions of gender roles and identities as reflected by the 20 artworks that compose our exhibition.      

It is worth mentioning that the exhibition is the fruit of a contest which we organized earlier this year under the same name, along with our founding member, the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed). 270 artist, amateur and professional, from 30 countries participated in this contest, sharing with us inspiring artworks*.

Two of the three winners of the contest had been invited to Barcelona to receive their awards, as well as to participate in a dialogue, organized by IEMed on September 25th, on youth role in social change across the Mediterranean, and a workshop on artistic creative expression. Read more about these activities here.

*The copyright of these artworks is exclusively owned by the artists. In case you want to use one of the images, always credit the artist and ask for his/her permission.


  • Event type : Ceremony / Events
  • Location : Biblioteca Mestra Maria Antònia, Torredembarra - Spain
  • Start date : 30/11/2019
  • End date : 30/11/2019
  • Start time : 09:00


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