Network of networks - Miscellaneous - Spain

Pre-doctoral seminar on Catalan Women Writers in Contemporaneity

29.05.2019 / Created by cdhctgs
Pre-doctoral seminar on Catalan Women Writers in Contemporaneity

On June 13th, a pre-doctoral seminar on Catalan Women Writers at Contemporaneity will take place at the University of Barcelona.

The seminar is coordinated by Helena González from the Research Centre on Theory, Gender and Sexuality (ADHUC–Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat) and Francesco Ardolino (Universitat de Barcelona), with the aim of establishing a dialogue on the progress, difficulties and challenges regarding the study of Catalan women writers and their production.

The debated issues include these writers’ thinking, work, and role from an ideological, theoretical, aesthetic, and historical point of view.

 "Jo escriuré encara que el món s’enfonsi" (I will write though the world sinks) is the seminar’s name and has its origins in a quotation of Maria Auràlia Capmany.

This activity is the result of the project: "Tràsfugues i parias modernes", it’s open to audience but participation is by invitation only.

More details are available in the link and the program below.


  • Event type : Conference / Debate / Forum
  • Location : Sala del Professorat, Edifici Josep Carner Universitat de Barcelona c/ Aribau 2, 5è - 08007 Barcelona
  • Start date : 13/06/2019
  • End date : 13/06/2019
  • Start time : 09:30


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