Network of networks - Culture / Sports / Leasure - Spain

Roundtable in Tarragona on women's voices in religion

12.04.2019 / Created by IEMed
Roundtable in Tarragona on women's voices in religion

Throughout history, women’s voices have been and are still often silenced. Sometimes, though, women generously yield their voices to men. But it is also true, that the act of silencing is more present in religious or philosophical traditions.

How do women see these traditions and how do they tell them? Are the different forms of traditions, faith and beliefs prepared to hear women’s voices?

These reflections will be at the heart of the roundtable “Creences en femeni” (Faith from women’s point of view)’’ which will be organized on 2 May 2019 at the Biblioteca del Seminari Ponitifici de Tarragona (Library of the Pontifical Seminar of Tarragona) by the UNESCO Chair for Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

Nour Salameh, from the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)’ Euro-Mediterranean Gender Equality Programme (also, headquarters of the Euro Mediterranean Women’s Foundation - FFEM in French) will participate in this roundtable, together with Diana Tchamitchian, Syrian architect and teacher in the NGO Abrazo cultural (Cultural hug), and Daniela Dolha, PhD in orthodox theology by the University of Cluj in Romania.

This roundtable is part of a series of seminars focusing on interreligious dialogue and coexistence.

More information are available in the attached programme (in Catalan). 


  • Event type : Conference / Debate / Forum
  • Location : Biblioteca del Seminari Pontifici de Tarragona- Centre Tarraconense El seminari C/ Sant Pau 2, Tarragona
  • Start date : 02/05/2019
  • End date : 02/05/2019
  • Start time : 10:30


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