Network of networks - Culture / Sports / Leasure - Spain

Barcelona: Photo expo and discussion on feminisms in the Southern Mediterranean

03.04.2019 / Created by IEMed
Barcelona: Photo expo and discussion on feminisms in the Southern Mediterranean

The photography exhibition "Dones trencant barreres. Transformant les ciutats mediterrànies" ("Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities") keeps travelling around Barcelona: currently, you can visit it at the Biblioteca Barceloneta-La Fraternitat (Public library of the neighborhood La Barceloneta).

This exhibit compiles the 10 images and stories selected as finalists of the contest "Powerful women: Breaking stereotypes in the Euro-Mediterranean region", launched by the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM) on November of 2017, in collaboration with the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed).

The displayed photographs tell the stories of inspiring women who break gender stereotypes in their communities, challenging the imposed norms. The exhibit has been travelling around Barcelona the last few months, and has been previously shown in France and Portugal. Don’t miss it at the Biblioteca Barceloneta-La Fraternitat until the 13th of April 2019!

Within the framework of the exhibit, on April 9, a round table will be held under the theme “Feminismes als països del sud de la Mediterrània" (“Feminisms in the Southern Mediterranean”). Maria Àngels Roque, director of the Mediterranean Cultures Department of the IEMed, will discuss the achievements in matters of women’s rights made in different South Mediterranean countries, as well as the obstacles and challenges they face these days. On her part, Susana Cereijo, from the Gender Equality Programme of the IEMed (in turn, headquarters of the FFEM), will explain how the photo exhibition was born, how art is an essential tool for the feminist fight, and will present some of the local initiatives to empower women carried out by the IEMed and the FFEM in the Southern Mediterranean.

Photography exhibition "Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities"

From March 13 to April 13, 2019

 At the Biblioteca Barceloneta-La Fraternitat (C/Comte de Santa Clara, 8-10, Barcelona)

Round table “Feminisms in Southern Mediterranean countries”

April 9, 2019 at 18:30h

At the Biblioteca Barceloneta-La Fraternitat (C/Comte de Santa Clara, 8-10, Barcelona)


  • Event type : Conference / Debate / Forum
  • Location : C/Comte de Santa Clara, 8-10, Barcelona
  • Start date : 09/04/2019
  • End date : 13/04/2019
  • Start time : 18:30


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