Network of networks - Miscellaneous - Palestinian Authority

Nissa FM highlights Palestinian women's life and realities

11.11.2018 / Created by NN
Nissa FM highlights Palestinian women's life and realities

Nissa FM is first female-run radio station in Palestine that targets women and focuses on their issues and concerns. Through its weekly newsletters, Nissa FM hopes to spread awareness and information regarding Palestinian women’s realities, conditions, struggles, but most importantly, their achievements. This particular newsletter provides highlights of several programs hosting number of officials and eminent figures who tackles issues such as women and personal code (how to register a case of marriage or divorce), female authors and their experiences, martial life, women and education, female entrepreneurship, etc.)Apart from this, Nissa FM reports the latest programs and projects concerning women’s political and economic empowerment in Palestine through its online platform.


  • Event type : Training
  • Location : Palestine
  • Start date : 11/11/2018
  • End date : 16/11/2018
  • Start time : 08:00


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