Network of networks - Culture / Sports / Leasure - Palestinian Authority

Empowering Palestinian girls and women through art

04.07.2018 / Created by hezevo752
Empowering Palestinian girls and women through art

The Women’s Development Centre continues its activities aimed at addressing the problems and unfair situations faced by girls and women in Tulkarem in Palestine through arts such as painting and theater.

Within this context, the Center provided painting classes to girls aged between 12 and 16 years over a period of three months. The classes were facilitated by artist Iyad Zeidan.

Also and in cooperation with Al Qattan Foundation, the Centre is currently training 12 women on playwriting. Several brainstorming sessions have been carried out to identify the problems or issues that women will tackle in the plays they will write.


  • Event type : Training
  • Location : Anabta, Tulkarem, Palestine
  • Start date : 11/10/2017
  • End date : 09/05/2018
  • Start time : 00:11



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