Network of networks - Civil and political rights - Belgium

The participation of Tunisian women in political and associative life

08.01.2018 / Created by CDVPLDMET
The participation of Tunisian women in political and associative life

As part of a series of activities to prepare for the 2018 municipal elections, the Vigilance Committee for Democracy in Tunisia (CVDT) is organizing a meeting under the theme of the participation of Tunisian women in political and associative life.

This meeting will be an opportunity to focus on the forms of engagement and challenges that women face in participating in local politics. Starting from a research project in a locality in the region of Nabeul (Tazarka) and a general reflection on the political issues of participation in municipal elections, it will be necessary to discuss the implications of women and the difficulties that they meet.

Moderator: Mr Mohamed Nachi Presentation of the research: Mr Mohamed Ali BenZina and Mrs Najet Araari

Conference-Debate at 18:30 Women’s participation in political life and decision-making process in post-revolutionary Tunisia.

Speaker: Mrs. Salma Baccar, Filmmaker and Tunisian Deputy. Moderator: Mrs AMER Noura, President of Arab Women’s Solidarity Association-Belgium

For more information, you can check the link below or the event’s page on Facebook here

With the support of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation


  • Event type : Scientific meeting
  • Location : The Tunisian Socio-Cultural Center in Brussels Champs-de-Mars Square 2 1050 Brussels Belgium
  • Start date : 20/01/2018
  • End date : 20/01/2018
  • Start time : 17:00


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