Network of networks - Miscellaneous - Spain

International Conference – Youth in Arab Mediterranean Countries: Youth Cultures, Values and Gender

16.03.2017 / Created by IEMed
International Conference – Youth in Arab Mediterranean Countries: Youth Cultures, Values and Gender

During the event, stakeholders will present the main findings and results of the #SAHWAYouthSurvey, which interviewed 10,000 young people and developed Ethnographic Fieldwork in Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia. There will be four panels devoted to the main research topics of the project, such as Education and Labour Market; Political and Civic engagement; Culture, Values and Gender and Mobility and Migration.

Additionally, SAHWA Documentary (#Khamsa) will be screened at the end of the conference.

SAHWA Project will also present the main results of its research on a meeting at the European Parliament (Brussels), on March 21st, together with POWER2YOUTH, another project funded by the European Commission (FP7-SSH) focusing on youth and different aspects of transition in selected MENA countries.

You will find attached to this event the program of the conference.


  • Event type : Conference / Debate / Forum
  • Location : Sala Maragall, CIDOB Barcelona, Spain
  • Start date : 23/03/2017
  • End date : 23/03/2017
  • Start time : 00:09


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