Network of networks - Education / Professional training - Estonia

Expressions in Dialogue: Capacity building for Euro-Mediterranean Living Libraries

11.01.2017 / Created by TNM

This training is a Capacity Building activity, taking place from the 19th to the 26th February 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia, and it is supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation in the frames of the midterm project "Expressions in Dialogue".

"Expressions in Dialogue" Project aims to mainstream intercultural dialogue and de-construct prejudices about different groups of people through the implementation of Living Library actions on local level.

The local Living Libraries should encourage interaction and conversation bringing communities together in the context of the promoter organisations in Estonia, Jordan, Greece, Lebanon, Italy, Catalonia, Turkey and Egypt. To achieve its aim, the project will bring together a group of “seeds” from communities around the Euro-Mediterranean area for an interactive training course to analyse the challenges of a meaningful intercultural dialogue and develop Living Library competences based on the principles of Intercultural Citizenship Education.

"Expressions in Dialogue" will train youth leaders, educators and activists in implementing 8 or more Living Libraries in their community context as a tool for promoting intercultural dialogue in EuroMed today.

You can read more about Living Libraries and work of Trajectorya at our web and blog


  • Event type : Training
  • Location : Tallinn, Estonia
  • Start date : 19/02/2017
  • End date : 26/02/2017
  • Start time : 19:00


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