Network of networks - Types of Violence - Israel

Fighting against Trafficking in Women and Prostitution, titled Between Marginality and Prostitution: A Feminist Perspective on Prostitution

15.11.2016 / Created by ILIHFC

Isha L'Isha – Haifa Feminist Center and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Haifa invite you to a seminar on Between Marginality and Prostitution: A Feminist Perspective on Prostitution Tuesday | 29 November 2016 Campus HaNamal | 65 HaNamal St. | Haifa | Conference Room 63 The Seminar will be held in Hebrew | Registration to seminar:

9:30 – 10:00 Arrival and opening of seminar

10:00 – 11:30 Opening: Overview by Dr. Inbal Wilamovski

Session 1: Prostitution from a Feminist Perspective: Different Perceptions and Approaches to Prostitution, Models from Israel and around the World – Panel Discussion

Shani Werner, The Women's Courtyard; Reut Guy, Elem; Dr. Hilla Nehushtan. Facilitated by Galia Aviani.

11:40 – 12:40 Session 2: Prostitution, Immigration, and (lack of) Status – Panel Discussion

Adv. Rita Chaikin, Marina Goldvag Kon Law office; Reut Michaeli, Director of The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants, Awda Bishara, The Mobile Clinic; Jenniffer Poliakov, Activist, Olga Filippova, mentor, Women's Horizon. Facilitator: Noor Falah.

12:40 – 13:10 Lunch Break

13:10 – 14:10 Session 3: Men and Prostitution – Panel Discussion

Tali Koral, When He Pays; Aviv Yahalom, ASLI; Prof. Shulamit Almog, Faculty of Law; Guy Bruker, PhD student of Anthropology, University of Haifa. Facilitator: Ronit Piso.

14:10 – 15:20 Session 4: Prostitution and Poverty – Panel Discussion

Beatrice Rosen-Katz, Director of Women's Horizon; Noga Shiloah, Social Worker, Haifa Mobile Clinic; Rani Halabi, Social Worker, Director of The Levinsky Mobile Clinic; Enass Zoubi-Mfarea, Social Worker and Director of the Shelter for Arab Girls; Raheli Hail, Activist. Facilitator: Ada Pliel-Trossman

15:30 Conclusion Overview and a look to the future. Ayelet Ilani.


  • Event type : Conference / Debate / Forum
  • Location : Haifa, Israel
  • Start date : 29/11/2016
  • End date : 29/11/2016
  • Start time : 09:30


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