The Foundation - Types of Violence - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Women journalists of the Mediterranean gather to denounce violence

07.04.2016 / Created by (EMWF)
Women journalists of the Mediterranean gather to denounce violence

Women journalists of the Mediterranean, from the mainstream media as well as bloggers and social networks, will debate and exchange their experiences with a gender vision at the IEMed, headquarters of the Foundation in Barcelona. This event is organized by the Network of Journalists and Communicators with Vision of Gender from Catalonia and the Mediterranean Network of Communication with Gender Vision.

The three lines of the debate will be, firstly, violence against women at risk; legal and social coverage after the revolts in Arab countries and, thirdly, the progress and setbacks of journalism with a gender perspective and the situation of women journalists and communicators. The Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation will assist and participate in the second part of the debate.

This event is supported by the IEMed and with the institutional collaboration of the Catalan Women’s Institute, the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation, the Cycle of Life Department of the City of Barcelona, College of Journalists of Catalonia (CPC),and the University of Pompeu Fabra.


  • Event type : Ceremony / Events
  • Location : IEMed, Headwarters of the Foundation. 20, Girona Street. 08010 Barcelona. Spain
  • Start date : 14/04/2016
  • End date : 15/04/2016
  • Start time : 09:00

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