The Foundation - Civil and political rights - Spain

Our photo exhibition is now touring the Barcelona province: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities.

03.10.2022 / Created by (EMWF)

Different locations in the Barcelona province are now hosting the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM)’s photo exhibition "Dones trencant barreres. Transformant les ciutats mediterrànies" ("Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities") until the end of 2022.

This activity is organized by each City Council with the support of the Barcelona Provincial Council (Deputació de Barcelona) in the framework of the initiative "Dones que Transformen". Last stops in August and September were Borredà, Biguel i Riells del Fai, Sant Quirze del Vallès, whereas now it’s ubicated in the Vestíbul del Center Cívic Nord, Carrer Sant Martí de Tous, 6 Igualada, where it will stay until October 15.

In 2017, a photo contest organized by the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation entitled "Powerful women: Breaking stereotypes in the Euro-Mediterranean region" took place and this special photo exhibition was created from the 10 best rated photos. It shares inspiring stories of hope and personal growth from women from Algeria, Belgium, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Palestine and Turkey who are breaking with gender stereotypes in their communities. It tells of women who have the courage to bring change into their environment.


  • Event type : Ceremony / Events
  • Location : Barcelona province
  • Start date : 14/08/2022
  • End date : 23/12/2022
  • Start time : 09:00


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