تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 980 أضيف منذ
As a member of Facebook’s Global Women’s Safety Expert Advisory Group, MRA Mobilizing for Rights Associates is delighted to share with you this invitation to an online meeting organized by the Meta Team for Safety Policy, which will take place remotely on Thursday, May 19 fr...
نوع المحتوى : الفعاليات
الإشارات : الإشارات: meta, security, mena, women, mena, sécurité, femmes
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 1243 أضيف منذ
The complex and evolving security threats the EU is facing, such as organised crime, terrorism, cyberviolence and hybrid threats, have placed security high on the political agenda of both the previous Commission (2014–2019) and the current Commission (2019–2024). Women and ...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: eige, gender, security, european union, eige, genre, sécurité, femmes, union européenne
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 1593 أضيف منذ
From 7 to 11 September 2020, The Virtual Torino Forum for Sustaining Peace brings together the Women, Peace and Security community and the Youth, Peace and Security community for a new series of virtual discussions revolving around the overall theme of the Torino Forum edition 2020...
نوع المحتوى : الأخبار
الإشارات : الإشارات: peace, yotuh, peacebuilding, war, security, un, paix, guerre, conflit, jeunes, jeunesse, onu
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 1944 أضيف منذ
This guide aims to increase the knowledge of Arab women about the factors influencing their participation, and to strengthen their capacities in terms of negotiations and advocacy, was well as to increase women’s chances in contributing to peace processes. This guide is aimed at ...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: peace, security, negociations, women's participation, guide, civil society, paix, sécurité, négociations, participation des femmes, construction des capacités, guide, السلام, الأمن, مفاوضات, مشاركة المرأة, 1325
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 1946 أضيف منذ
On 18 and 19 October 2019, Paris will host the International Conference "More Women for More Peace" which will bring together dozens of inspiring women from 9 conflict-torn countries who will explain the crucial and indispensable role of women in the establishment of a lasting peace. T...
نوع المحتوى : الفعاليات
الإشارات : الإشارات: peace, security, women's role, women's voices, conflict, memory, truth, impunity, conference, justice, paix, justice, impunité, rôle des femmes, congrès, droits des fe...
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 2047 أضيف منذ
While anyone can experience violence, unequal power relationships and entrenched gender inequalities have a disparate impact on women and girls. This interactive infostory explores the various paths to justice, gives voice to survivors’ stories and looks at the critical role that...
نوع المحتوى : الموارد
الإشارات : الإشارات: justice, peace, security, women, gender based violence, sexual violence, accountability, violence sexiste, violence basée sur le genre, femmes, justice, paix, sécurité, السلام, الأمن, النزاع المسلح, نزاع, حرب, العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي, العنف الجنسي, العدالة, المحاسبة
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 2155 أضيف منذ
This article focuses on girls’ access to school education in "Area C" where security and administrative authorities are under Israeli control since the Oslo Accords in 1993, including factors that lead to girls’ recurrent absences and school dropouts. The article is based on a fi...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: education, occupation, security, poverty, sécurité, education, filles, palestine, occupation, infrastructure, marginalisation, تعليم, فتيات, فلسطين, احتلال, فقر, أمن, بنية تحتية
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 2301 أضيف منذ
This publication collects texts created on the basis of some presentations from an event organized by by Heinrich Boell Office in Ukraine in March 2017. The event gathered researchers and activists from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Poland, Macedonia, Serbia, Czech Republi...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: conflict, feminism, gender, sexual violence, militarization, war, peace, security, féminisme, conflit, guerre, sécurité, genre, paix, violence sexuelle, déplacement, militarisation, عسكرة, نزاع, النوع الاجتماعي, جندر, نسوية, عنف جنسي, نزوح, سلام, أمن, حرب
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 2387 أضيف منذ
This paper aims to shed light on the status of women during and after armed conflicts and how international law deals with this reality in light of the evolution of the concept of human security. The paper intends to highlight the fact that achieving women’s security is no longer limite...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: armed conflict, peace, women's role, protection, international law, security, paix, conflit armé, droit international, protection, rôle des femmes, sécurité, السلام, القانون الدولي, دور المرأة, نزاع مسلح, تمكين, حماية, أمن
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 2392 أضيف منذ
With the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 the role women play for peace and security was affirmed. Since the implementation of the resolution, almost two decades ago, more than 400 peace agreements have been signed. This study, thus, explores if the implementation of the resolutio...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: peace, conflict, women's participation, gender roles, security, libya, paix, sécurité, participation des femmes, libye, rôles de genre, أدوار جندرية, مشاركة النساء, سلام, أمن, نزاع, ليبيا
هذه المنصة هي جزء من المحور 1 "تقوية قدرات الجهات الفاعلة في مجال المساواة" لصندوق التضامن ذو الأولوية "نساء المستقبل في المتوسط" الممول من قبل وزارة أوروبا و الشؤون الخارجية الفرنسية و المنسّق من قبل المعهد الأوربي للبحر الأبيض المتوسط, في إطار عمل مشروع "تطوير تمكين المرأة" المعتمد من قبل الاتحاد من أجل المتوسط.
الأعضاء المؤسسون