

Foundation's Team

The Electoral Quota - A Form of Gender Quota to Increase Women's Participation in Parliament: A Quantitative Study from a Survey in the Middle East / Le quota électoral - une forme de quota de genre pour augmenter la participation des femmes au Parlement : étude quantitative à partir d'un sondage...

تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 1484 أضيف منذ

This research focuses on the impact of political parties and electoral quotas on women’s political participation within the context of Islam. Gender is construed as a classification of being a woman or a man not merely by biological identification but one that is embedded within ...

Foundation's Team

Brussels Binder: Base de données d'expertes en Europe / برسلز بايندر: قاعدة بيانات تجمع الخبيرات في أورويا / Brussels Binder: Female experts database in Europe

تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 2211 أضيف منذ

The Brussels Binder est une ressource pour les organisateurs/organisatrices de conférences et les médias qui cherchent à inclure des voix de femmes expertes dans leurs débats politiques. Il vise à améliorer l’équilibre entre femmes ...

Foundation's Team

Gender equality policies in Spain / سياسات المساواة بين الجنسين في إسبانيا / Politiques d'égalité femmes-hommes en Espagne

تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 2308 أضيف منذ

While gender equality policies have been institutionalized and consolidated in Spain until 2008, the 2009-2016 period shows backlash provoked by austerity policies adopted in response to the economic crisis. Institutional dismantlement, budget cuts, legislative standstill, policy reform...