تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 3274 أضيف منذ
The study is based on 21 cases of good practice examples of how gender mainstreaming has been applied to municipal core services in the Nordic countries. The focus is on how gender and gender equality can be incorporated into the services and target citizens by applying the gender mainstreaming m...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: gender mainstreaming, institutional mechanism for gender promotion, equal opportunities, citizenship, intégration de la dimension genre, mécanisme institutionnel de promotion des femmes, égalité de chance...
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 3274 أضيف منذ
The study defines the concept of gender mainstreaming and describes the benefits that the central government can achieve using it.The study is a result of a questionnaire among the Nordic Ministries and studies of 11 good practices of central governments core services. It provides a model for and...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: gender mainstreaming, institutional mechanism for gender promotion, equal opportunities, intégration de la dimension genre, mécanisme institutionnel de promotion des femmes, égalité des chances, تعميم النوع الإجتماعي, آلية مؤسساتية لتعزيز النوع الإجتماعي, فرص متساوية
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 3278 أضيف منذ
This paper is aimed to guide all staff at the professional and general services levels, who are involved in conducting research, on how to ensure that a gender perspective is reflected from conceptualization of research to its final stage. It defines gender-sensitive research and emphasises on th...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: gender mainstreaming, research, gender studies, institutional mechanism for gender promotion, intégration de la dimension genre, recherche, études de genre, mécanisme institutionnel de promotion des femmes, تعميم النوع الإجت...
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 3283 أضيف منذ
The term “gender” is still considered vague and misunderstood by many fractions of society and policymakers in the Arab World.This study aims to clarify the concept and provide a better understanding of the issues of gender and gender equality in the Arab countries. It provides an ana...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: institutional mechanism for gender promotion, gender studies, gender mainstreaming, citizenship, stereotypes, mécanisme institutionnel de promotion des femmes, études de genre,...
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 3283 أضيف منذ
This strategic framework aims to support the work of the European institutions and member states in identifying levels of violence against women and formulating policies to eradicate it. Its main focus is data collection, focusing as well the attention on the identification of the gaps in gender ...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: violence against women, prevention of violence, institutional mechanism for gender promotion, violence contre les femmes, prévention de la violence, mécanisme institutionnel de promotion des femmes, العنف ضد المرأة, منع العنف, آلية مؤسساتية لتعزيز النوع الإجتماعي
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 3290 أضيف منذ
This glossary is prepared by the Gender Equality Commission of the Council of Europe and it is based on the definitions and terms of the Council of Europe instruments and standards. It is intended to benefit different target groups, both experts and non-experts.The aim is to translate gender equa...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: gender mainstreaming, gender discrimination, institutional mechanism for gender promotion, intégration de la dimension genre, discrimination de genre, mécanisme institutionnel de promotion des femmes, تعميم النوع الإجتماعي, تمييز بين الجنسين, آلية مؤسساتية لتعزيز النوع الإجتماعي
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 3295 أضيف منذ
Cross-gender mainstreaming in policies varies from one country to another according to the concepts used to define gender equality. This report provides a conceptual framework to understand the implementation of gender equality and women's emancipation policies developed in the Netherlands since ...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: economic empowerment, gender mainstreaming, institutional mechanism for gender promotion, research, civil society, autonomisation économique,...tion de la dimension genre, mécanisme institutionnel de promotion des femmes, recherche, sociét...
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 3297 أضيف منذ
Gender budgeting is a tool to achieve real equality between women and men, and it is recommended by many international bodies, but it still has a limited application.This guide is designed to give local authorities keys in order to implement gender budgeting. The guide presents different approach...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: gender responsive planning and budgeting, gender equality, institutional mechanism for gender promotion, planification et budgétisation sensibles au genre, égalité des genres, mécanisme institutionnel de promotion des femmes, تخطيط و وضع ميزان...
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 3403 أضيف منذ
This Convention seeks to create the conditions for schools to channel equality between girls and boys message at all levels and it helps modify the gendered division of roles in society. It is structured around three priority fields of action: acquiring and transmitting a culture of gender equali...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: gender-based violence, institutional mechanism for gender promotion, mixed education, professional career, schooling, stereotypes., carrière professionnelle, mécanisme institutionnel de promotion des femmes, mixité, scolarisa...
تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 3403 أضيف منذ
This report analyses in depth the liability of the Danish government in the implementation of the commitments included in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Violence Against Women (CEDAW) from 1979. Each chapter corresponds to different parts of the Convention, including political ...
نوع المحتوى : الوثائق
الإشارات : الإشارات: gender mainstreaming, gender responsive planning and budgeting, institutional mechanism for gender promotion, women's rights., droits des femmes, intégration...e la dimension genre, mécanisme institutionnel de promotion des femmes, planification et...
اشترك/ي في نشرتنا الإخبارية الشهرية للاطلاع على آخر مستجداتنا من أخبار و فعاليات و وثائق و موارد تُعنى بالمساواة بين الجنسين و قضايا المرأة.
هذه المنصة هي جزء من المحور 1 "تقوية قدرات الجهات الفاعلة في مجال المساواة" لصندوق التضامن ذو الأولوية "نساء المستقبل في المتوسط" الممول من قبل وزارة أوروبا و الشؤون الخارجية الفرنسية و المنسّق من قبل المعهد الأوربي للبحر الأبيض المتوسط, في إطار عمل مشروع "تطوير تمكين المرأة" المعتمد من قبل الاتحاد من أجل المتوسط.
الأعضاء المؤسسون