

Foundation's Team

Women's Bank: a network to support sustainable entrepreneurship among women / Women's Bank: un réseau pour soutenir l'entreprenariat féminin durable / بنك النساء: شبكة لدعم ريادة الأعمال النسائية المستدامة

تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 1986 أضيف منذ

Women’s Bank is a Finnish innovation, a volunteer Network which raises funds to support women’s sustainable entrepreneurship and livelihood in developing countries. The goal of Women’s Bank is to support women and their families in Africa, Asia and other continents by alleviating povert...

Foundation's Team

Only one percent of gender equality funding is going to women's organisations - why? / لماذا يصل واحد بالمئة فقط من التمويل الخاص بالمساواة بين الجنسين للمنظمات النسائية؟ / Seulement un pour cent du financement pour l'égalité femmes-hommes est destiné aux organisations de femmes - Pourquoi?

تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 2007 أضيف منذ

This article discusses the financial promises made by the countries of the world during the last two years to support gender equality, and briefly shows how and why only 1% of this money goes to women’s and feminist organizations. The article also highlights the importance of supportin...

Foundation's Team

Towards a Green Economy in the Mediterranean- Assessment of National Green Economy and Sustainable Development Strategies in Mediterranean Countries / Vers une économie verte en Méditerranée - Évaluation des stratégies nationales d'économie verte et de développement durable dans les pays méditerr...

تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 2299 أضيف منذ

The study presents the results of a review exercise covering Green Economy (GE) strategies and Sustainable Development (SD) policies in 20 Mediterranean countries, with the aim of boosting the transition towards a green and fair economy in the Mediterranean. The study also presents...