

Foundation's Team

The Global Widows Report 2015: A Global Overview of Deprivation Faced by Widows and Their Children / التقرير العالمي عن الأرامل 2015: نظرة عامة عالمية على الحرمان الذي تواجهه الأرامل وأطفالهن / Rapport mondial sur les veuves 2015: un aperçu global de la privation dont souffrent les veuves et de l...

تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 2362 أضيف منذ

Widows and their children, already among the least fortunate in the world’s social and economic systems, are receiving even more challenges than usual as a result of the emergence of new conflicts and wars, the economic collapse and stagnation, and diseases such as Ebola.   ...