

Joanna Manganara

Prostitution &Trafficking: The market of sex (International Women's News Vol 111 No 2) / Prostitution et traite des femmes: le marché du sexe / الدعارة و الإتجار بالبشر: سوق الجنس

تم الإنشاء من قبل Joanna Manganara يوم / أيام 2912 أضيف منذ

This issue of the International Alliance of Women's journal, International Women's News, presents a range of articles on the theme of prostitution and trafficking / Cette édition du journal de l’Alliance internationale des femmes (International Alliance of Wom...

Foundation's Team

State of world population 2006. A passage to hope. Women and international migration / État de la population mondiale 2006. Vers l' espoir: les femmes et la migration internationale / وضع سكان العالم 2006. ممر إلى الأمل, النساء و الهجرة العالمية

تم الإنشاء من قبل Foundation's Team يوم / أيام 3539 أضيف منذ

94.5 million international migrants are women. On the occasion of a session of the United Nations General Assembly on migration, the UNFPA has prepared a report on the challenges and opportunities linked to women's international migration. The report focuses on the positive impact of migrant wome...